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Eurotech and Amthal support Local Charity

We’d like to thank every one of our valued partners who completed our recent Annual Customer Survey. The feedback really does help us to make future improvements to our value proposition.

The winner of the £100 draw for taking part was Deane Sales from Amthal Fire & Security. Deane very kindly donated his £100 prize to charity, and Eurotech matched it. So £200 has been donated to provide sweet bags for purchase at local hair and beauty company Chapel Medi-Spa.

For every bag purchased, customers buy another bag for donation to children of families who receive weekly food bags via local charity The Life House, with all proceeds from the sales going towards providing new kitchen equipment for the charity’s food kitchen.

The sweet bags were purchased from a small, local business called MM Mixx Treats, further supporting young, local businesses.

Thank you Deane for enabling your kind donation to bring a little joy to children who have very little, whilst supporting this vital charity and small, local businesses.Eurotech & Amthal Charity

Stratfield Park Office - black signage

Level 3 Qualified Eurotech Team

We are proud to announce that all of Eurotech’s sales managers and technical team members have now achieved Level 3 qualifications in Fire Detection and