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The FIA & The UKCA Mark

The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) Marking is a planned government-imposed product marking scheme for products placed on the market in Great Britain. This covers goods which previously required only CE Marking.

The industry is currently confused assuming that products need to be showing the UKCA mark now. But good news – there is still time to get your mark!

This is not currently required until 01 January 2022.

The Fire Industry Association has been in communication with the government regarding the UKCA mark, discussing the effects of this marking in the fire safety industry as the changes are predicted to cost millions. The transition period has been extended from 12 months to 36 months to allow businesses that rely on compliance to stay open, giving time to implement the mark.

Eurotech have a wide range of cross listed products that are affected by these changes.  We have therefore shared our concerns with the FIA who likewise share our concerns and appreciate the hard work, stress on our business, our suppliers and our customers, required to implement these changes.

It is important to remind our customers that the UKCA Mark is NOT required until 1st January 2022 and CE Marked products can still be used in the fire industry.

We are keeping a close eye on the developments and following the FIA’s updates on the subject, and any more news will be communicated through our website, social media channels and email communications.

For the full FIA article, please click here.

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